I’d love to hear from you!
In my research for Wartime Investing, a book about how the stock market reacts to conflicts like World War II and terrorist attacks such as 9/11, I’ve been able to read a lot that confirms a great sense of closure and national pride following the elimination of Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan. But I’ve found it interesting that I’m unable to confirm any significant conclusion regarding the captured 9/11 conspirators, at least five of which are being held in Guantanamo Bay without trial or sentence. I wish my book could dive deeper into the topic of Guantanamo Bay, but it’s just not on topic with wartime-stock market cause and effect. But I’m convinced that the question “Is the United States doing good in Guantanamo Bay?” is worthy of deep thought from a legal, moral, and ethical perspective… and I’d love to see more high-quality, relevant journalism on the subject. Your opinion?