Dr. Bob Stecker, a friend of mine, just celebrated his 90th birthday and, over breakfast recently, he spoke about a question that many people ask themselves. “Does it get any easier?” I’m working hard right now to find an agent for my book about wartime investing and I can’t help but wonder if it will get easier as I open another rejection letter. Dr. Bob shared that everyone feels this way at different times… about their marriage, about their physical fitness, about their careers… and he smiled happily when he declared, “The answer is NO! It doesn’t get easier. And that’s okay!” You might get more efficient, but the world, mother nature, sharing resources with a spouse, dealing with other people’s perceptions, it doesn’t get easier. In light of this, he explained the importance of trying to “honor the struggle instead of trying to avoid it.” He explained that nothing amazing comes from our easy times. All that makes us great and capable benefits from falling down, trying new things, and getting hurt. Thank you for the motivation, Dr. Bob. It’s no wonder David Romanelli chose you as one of the subjects of his book, Life Lessons from the Oldest & Wisest. Discover more at www.DavidRomanelli.com